Welcome to University Properties Bellingham, WA.

Our office is temporarily closed to the public. We are available via phone 360-733-8682 and email info@universitypropertiesbellingham.com
We are only taking care of maintenance items that are emergencies. If there is a maintenance emergency during business hours please call 360-733-8682, if you cannot get a hold of anyone in the office please call Cynthia at 360-961-4881. We appreciate your cooperation.

We hope to make your stay in one of our managed properties a pleasant experience. We are pleased to combine technology and personal service to make living in our properties more convenient. Activate your Tenant Portal to have access to schedule, pay and track your rent payments right online. You may make us aware of any routine property maintenance issues online at your convenience. We will prioritize and schedule your issue for resolution. Since University Properties owns the properties we manage, you are assured we will take care of maintenance issues promptly. In case of a property emergency where resident safety or property is at risk, please contact us immediately. We have a full-time maintenance technician on staff.

We appreciate tenants who take care of our rentals as if they were their own. We encourage residents to be good neighbors, take appropriate care of their space, and let us know of any problems you may encounter.

Thank you for choosing University Properties Bellingham.
The Western Washington University campus.
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